Winter is over Boomers we’re well into Spring and Summer is on the horizon. Have you been sitting on the couch in hibernation adding some unwanted kilograms?

Is that good for your long term health? No its not!

So what can you and should you do?  Well, first you need an action plan.

Your plan needs to include:

  1. Nutrition
  2. Exercise – Let’s get moving and,
  3. Improved Lifestyle choices
  • From a health & wellbeing perspective take some to consider your where you’d like to be in 5 years, 2 years, 1 year and set some realistic quantifiable measurable and achievable goals:
    • Break them down further. In 3 months what condition would you like to be in in 1 month and what can you do in the next week to get it all underway.
  • Asses you’re current situation:
    • If you’re over weight how much are you over weight are you?
    • Is your weight in the healthy range?
    • What weight should you be?
    • What have your eating and lifestyle choices been?
    • What exercise have you been doing, any?

So now that you’ve completed this assessment you will understand where you are now compared to where you you’d like to be.

The question now is what are you going to do about it?

There really are only a couple of options:

  1. You can do nothing – continue doing what you are currently doing or
  2. Get into action by carrying out your plan to close the gap between your current position and your predetermined and measurable improved position.
  • Join a gym and get started on your journey
  • Consider an exercise buddy. Most activities are improved by the addition of a friend, and exercise is no different. An exercise buddy is someone who shares your mobility and your will to get in shape. Your friend may be there to run (or walk) along beside you as well as providing moral support to encourage and keep you going.
  • Consider working with an exercise group in which all of you feed off the enthusiasm and energy of each other.
  • Engage a Wellness Coach/Personal Trainer to mentor you through an individually tailored improvement program until you achieve your goal, and then work with him/her to achieve new goals.

You see nutrition and exercise no matter who you are, is a whole of life requirement if wish to maintain good health.  A good healthy diet & lifestyle choice with an appropriate exercise program is a miracle cure for many ailments in today’s society, we have had this knowledge for a very long time but many of us have ignored it.  Maybe some of us haven’t been sure of how to get started but if we don’t act now Over 50’s, failing health could be the inevitable consequence.

