Have you noticed just how many advertisements there are for healthy eating? Ads that offer a trouble-free balanced diet delivered weekly to your door. Adverts for supermarkets telling you how they are the best place to find your fresh healthy food and how you are doing yourself and your family a disservice by not shopping with them? And of course, there are adverts that promote questionable high carb, high sugar fast-food disguised as “healthy options”.
Well, as easy as it may seem to just ignore them all, the reality is that it is not always clear and straight forward to know what you should, and should not, be eating if you are serious about maintaining a healthy diet and with that, a healthy life.
This is one of the reasons why so many people struggle to lose weight and stay healthy even with the best will in the world.
The perfect diet for you?

But this newsletter is not the place to provide a diet recommendation that will work for you. After all, everybody is an individual and each individual has a particular set of circumstances that will determine the appropriate choices to achieve their weight and health goals.
Perhaps of greater importance is the need to recognise that diet alone (even the perfect diet) will not achieve the perfect health and fitness outcomes for any individual. Of equal importance to our intake of the right kinds of nutrition is the need to exercise and move our bodies.
Diet Plus Exercise – Why they must go together.

We humans were not designed to live a sedentary existence. Movement and exercise are essential to our very existence. Unfortunately, our 21st century lifestyle seems to have forgotten that. We say, Oh yes, I walk the dog every morning and I sometimes climb the stairs rather than taking the lift. But this is not exercise. And when lack of movement is combined with poor or inadequate nutrition, it inevitably leads to negative outcomes. Outcomes like excess weight, or bulges in the wrong places, or worse still, puffing when doing simple daily things like lifting and carrying a bag of groceries (fresh, green veggies, of course!) or running after the dog, when he disobeys your call to come back after you untied his leash!
Don’t try and do it alone

The good news, however, is that you do not have to do it all yourself. We all know how hard it can be to get motivated when you don’t have a clear idea of how you are going to reach your goal and what you need to be doing to ensure it happens for you.
Let the experts at Renewed After 50 be your guide and mentor. We carefully tailor a fitness program that is right for you. We listen to your concerns, your desires to achieve a goal that is achievable just for you and we encourage you every step of the way. And we make it fun! With the right approach and with the guidance from your personal trainer, whether one-on-one or in a group of people just like you, we will show you and guide you so that you WILL achieve your goals and be able to enjoy the life you desire – and without a fresh food or exercise advertisement in sight!
Call us today, and let’s achieve something special just for you.